The sending of your messages is paid with credits. Through the Stardekk Wallet you can add credits to your E-mailinglist account. You can even choose to connect your credit card to recharge automatically when you risk to run out of credit.
What is opt-in & opt-out ?
The principal of OPT-IN: your guests and potential guests subscribe voluntarily to receive your newsletters. Who isn't in the target group or is marked as "unsubscribed", will not receive the newsletter
The principal of OPT-OUT: everybody on your opt-in list, can unsubscribe any moment they want.
What is spam ?
Sending a large quantitiy of unwanted e-mails, better known as spam, is taking large proportions. Important to know is that spam is unwanted e-mail. People never subscribed for this e-mail content in the first place. Try to stay relevant in all your e-mailings to avoid being marked as spam by your subscribers.
Does E-mailinglist really not tollerate Spam?
Yes indeed, E-mailinglist does not tollerate spam!
Legislation in clear about this. You can not send commercial mailings without permission of the receiver.
Two exceptions:
- your own customers
- legal persons
Sharing your date with other companies is also prohibited and crucial in the combat against spam. is clearly NOT meant for sending spam or unwanted e-mail. We also don't sell e-mail addresses here!
Clients using for spam will be put offline and won't be eligable to reclaim set up or subscription fees.
How do I set up my own opt-in list?
The best opt-in list is the one set up by you. You can do so by collecting e-mails from your guests and prospects.
The best and most efficient way, because it is direct and automatically, is with a subscription form on your website. But it's alo possible through ads, cards or even telephone.
Make sure people know what are the benefits of signing up.